How to change the life of your skin?

Hi. This is Natalia - founder of Divine Bee. For years I've struggled with my own problematic skin, believing I had to watch it over and over again to tame it. It's time to put an end to that and learn the real secret to perfect skin.

It's time to reverse the roles and let our skin... be skin and take care of us, not the other way around. Because life is too short to spend it in front of the mirror, fighting with our own skin, which can become our greatest ally if we just let it. How to do it? Read on, and the answer will be as clear as day 🙂

Mirror, tell me, who has the most beautiful skin in the whole world?

Scientists have asked themselves a similar question, and it turns out that the healthiest - the most ideal skin - is possessed by tribes with no contact at all with Western civilization and Western cosmetics: JANOMAMES. Indian tribe of South America

The key to their healthy, perfect complexion is the extraordinary biodiversity of their skin's microbiome

It has been scientifically confirmed: the greater the diversity of the skin's microflora, the healthier it is. Smoother, more supple, moisturized, without any allergies, pimples, diseases and inflammation.

Simply put: perfect.

red line
- unhealthy western skin

light blue line
- healthy western leather

dark blue line
- skin perfect "away from civilization"

Microorganisms are your personal beauticians

The more of them you have, the more beauty treatments they are able to do for you! 

It is thanks to the cooperation with microbes (link here) that excess sebum is properly metabolized, dead skin cells are quickly removed, the skin is protected from disease pathogens, nutrients are properly absorbed, inflammation is inhibited,and the barrier maintaining proper hydration and firmness of the skin is perfectly preserved. Oj, it's better to have as many of these bacteria as possible: and of any kind! Research confirms (link here) that it is the diversity of species that is the most important feature of healthy, strong skin, not the predominance of any particular strain of "good" bacteria or perhaps the absence of "bad" bacteria. If there are enough of them, the skin can handle anything. Like the Yanomam tribe in South America.

A healthy, balanced skin microbiome is like a diverse rainforest-the more coexisting strains of bacteria, the healthier the skin.

Dr. Whitney Bowe


* The photo shows Johnny from the Divine Bee picking wild elderberry flowers. 

Just as in nature, so it is on our skin. The more biodiverse a system is, the healthier and more resilient it is.

So how do you increase the biodiversity
of your skin?

click here for the answer

2 thoughts on "How to change the life of your skin?"

  1. Paola salvatori

    sono entusiasta di leggere queste informazioni così chiare ed esplicative. Sono anni che sostengo la cura della pelle secondo natura, non come viene reclamizzata nel mondo "occidentale" dove pur di vendere, fanno danni irreparabili convincendo la gente meno informata, ad acquistare mille prodotti aggressivi e poi riparatori ( più o meno efficaci) . Oltre a porre attenzione al nostro amato pianeta

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